
Mini Pupper: A Tiny Version of Boston Dynamics' Spot Robot Dog

This adorable guy also has LIDAR and a display to show emotions. 

Check out a project by MangDang called Mini Pupper that will soon have its own Kickstarter campaign. The project originated from Stanford Pupper led by Nathan Kau. This tiny robot can hop, trot, and run around. "Its low cost, simple design, and rich functions especially the upcoming navigation system will allow robot enthusiasts in K-12 and beyond to get their hands on fun, dynamic robots," states the developer.

The robot will also come with LIDAR and a display to show emotions. The project page of the original Stanford Pupper states it costs $600-$1000 if you source the parts yourself or cheaper if you purchase a parts kit so the final kit should not be too expensive. 

"For K12, you can find many fancy use cases samples to study the mechanical, hardware, sensors (mic array, speaker, ultrasonic, camera, Lidar... whatever you want), software, algorithms, and so on," states the project page. "For beyond, you can use it as a base device to study ROS(Robot Operating System), self-driving, SLAM, Navigation, reinforcement learning, and other AI functions."

There's a GitHub page with the code for Mini Pupper which is supported by Nathan Kau, a member of Stanford Student Robotics, and MangDang Technology Co., Limited. You can also follow the project on Twitter.

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Comments 1

  • Anonymous user

    Thanks so much for reaching out! Mini Pupper already won the honor of "Project We Love" from Kickstarter before the campaign goes live at 9 AM(GMT-4) on 9/29!


    Anonymous user

    ·3 years ago·

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