Players will become King Eryk, ruler of Davern and father to three daughters -- Lorsulia, Asalia, and Cedani. "Having failed in producing an heir, Eryk has resorted to desperate measures, and promised his firstborn to a leader of the barbaric Free-People to the north," states the description" "Now that Lorsulia is of age, this leader is coming to collect, bringing an army with him."
- Six to eight-hour story filled with meaningful choices.
- A queue of your subjects to deal with every day, from pig farmers to potion sellers.
- Consequences to each choice, from dealing with your family to each peasant that drops by.
- Stunning pixel art throughout with bold use of color.
- A colorful cast of characters, with each of their needs different from the last.
- Deeply human stories within your own family and beyond.
- Challenging management systems including Generals, Hunters, and Witches.
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Every day your people will gather in the throne room and you will have to provide guidance, support, and supplies. What is more, you need to rebuild your castle, build your troops, and keep your family safe in the impending war. "Defenses cost gold, be they generals or ballistae for the castle walls, and everyone visiting will want something/ Improving your castle may be costly, but it’ll be vital to fight back the encroaching darkness."
The game is also about balancing the whims of your family, as well as the Lords of your Kingdom. You will need the support of the local Lords or you’ll lack gold, troops, and the supplies.
You can learn more about the game and support it here.