
Nintendo Now Owns 100% Shares of Xenoblade Developer Monolith Soft

The company already had 96% of the shares since 2011.


Monolith Soft, best known for the Xenoblade Chronicles series, is now fully owned by Nintendo.

As spotted by Automaton, Nintendo now owns 100% of the company's 2,400 shares. It has already been the largest shareholder of the Xenoblade company for years. In 2007, Nintendo purchased 80% of its shares from Namco and then increased its stake to 96% in 2011.

There's no official comment on the deal, and it is unclear when it occurred. In March, Monolith Soft published its brochure, which stated that the studio's founders, Hirohide Sugiura, Tetsuya Takahashi, and Yasuyuki Honne, owned 4% of its shares at the time.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 was released in July 2022 and showed good sales figures, with 1.72 million units sold, contributing to Nintendo's growth in game sales in 2022. The RPG received five awards at The Game Awards that same year: three awards from the media and two from players.

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