
NVIDIA Releases Canvas 1.2

The new version adds support for style variations.

NVIDIA has released a new and updated version of Canvas, the company's AI-based tool that can turn doodles into realistic-looking paintings. The new 1.2 version of Canvas comes with support for style variations. Each style can now be adjusted to one of ten variations. The team comments that this should give artists more options and creative ideas while still maintaining the overall theme of the selected style image. What's more, the style image and style variation selections are now saved in the .can project file.

NVIDIA Canvas uses an AI using a generator and a discriminator. The generator converts material maps into images while the discriminator studies features of objects and transfers this information to the generator to turn doodles into images preserving the style, including custom styles. The network was trained on an NVIDIA DGX system using over 5 million images. 

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