Oisoi Studio announced that their Painting VR app, a digital painter simulator for virtual reality, is now officially out of its Early Access period on App Lab. From now on, the app can be downloaded via Meta Quest Store for Quest and Steam for PC VR headsets.
"This experience is very hands-on, easy to understand, and aimed at all ages. Play around and feel the relaxing satisfaction of putting unlimited amounts of fresh paint on a canvas. Teach yourself the basics of colors, the painting process, and composition. Sharpen your skills by experimenting with the tools and techniques at hand, and become part of a new wave of digital artists," commented Oisoi.
In case you missed it, Painting VR was first revealed almost a year ago by Oisoi Studio. The app allows you to become a real painter, and learn the basics of colors, the painting process, and composition. With Painting VR, you will be able to sharpen your skills by experimenting with the tools and techniques at hand. You can also check out our interview with the creators of the app to learn how the app was developed.
You can purchase the app for $20 for Quest here and for PC VR over here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit page, our new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.