
Shadows of Doubt: Gameplay Revealed

Solo Developer Cole Jefferies has revealed 25 minutes of gameplay from his upcoming detective simulator Shadows of Doubt.

Solo Indie Developer Cole Jefferies has unveiled a new video that shows 25 minutes of gameplay footage from his upcoming game Shadows of Doubt. First announced back in 2020, Shadows of Doubt is a procedurally-generated voxel detective simulator set in a fully-simulated sci-fi noir city. The final goal of the game is to catch a serial killer by any means necessary, which would not be easy in a gigantic world where you can enter any apartment and explore every single voxel.

The new footage from the upcoming game shows Cole tackling one of the procedural side missions in the game. The video demonstrates the overall gameplay, several amazing voxel environments, weather conditions, the NPCs, and more. You can check out the entire video attached above.

You can learn more about the upcoming game here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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