A month ago Nintendo developers talked about the way they managed to build a Switch masterpiece.
A month ago Nintendo developers talked about the way they managed to build Switch masterpiece called The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Can you read Japanese? Then head to 4Gamer and read the original version. No? Capcom’s Matt Walker can help you.
In a series of Twitter posts Walker translated some of the most useful parts of a talk given game’s director Fujibayashi Hideyuro and senior lead artist Makoto Yonezu.
First of all, the team managed tasks by integrating their management tools with the game, so there was no need to do the same thing twice.
They could create a task by setting up a sign in the world, so that all related specs and meeting details related to it could be readily available by just clicking. They’ve also added a “field task view” for higher level items.
What a great way for a huge team to bounce ideas off of each other in regards to the task!
The team also discussed the “Triangle Rule”. By using triangles they could give players a choice as to whether to go straight over the triangle, or around it.
The triangles is also said obscure the player’s view, so the team used them to surprise players, making them wonder what they’ll find on the other side.
There were also some more visually interesting examples, like Korok seeds.
There are 3 different scales behind this principle for different objectives.
The team also used rectangles, which are good for completely hiding something from sight.
Go to Matt Walker‘s Twitter page to learn more the production process behind the latest Zelda or check out this PDF file with the same info.