
The Original 2005 Habbo Hotel Opens Its Doors Later Today

Yes, pools will be open as well.

The Habbo team has made an exciting announcement stating that the original 2005 version of the iconic Habbo Hotel is opening its doors (and pools) later today in the form of Habbo Hotel: Origins, promising a nostalgic experience that takes you back to Habbo's roots.


According to the team, you'll be able to launch the client via the soon-to-be-revealed Habbo Hotel: Origins official website. Registration will require providing an email and password, with login demanding a one-time code sent to your registered email.

Upon launch, there are plans for three hotels catering to English, Portuguese, and Spanish speakers. Additionally, developers have specified that Habbo Hotel: Origins is intended for players aged 18 and above, indicating that it will feature less strict auto-moderation compared to regular Habbo.


"The simplicity, charm, and magic of that early version of Habbo are things we want to retain and protect, so we intend to be careful about what we add, and when," commented the team. "It's been very special to see Macklebee and the other developers working to make this launch possible, and watching it take shape. The Habbo team is beyond excited to see everyone get into the game and experience 2005 all over again."

As mentioned above, Habbo Hotel: Origins is launching later today, on June 18, 2024. You can learn more about the upcoming experience by clicking this link.

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