
Tutorial: Working With Particle Effects in Blender

A YouTuber has released an enormous breakdown of the particle workflow in Blender.

A YouTuber Iago Mota has released an extensive and compelling tutorial on working with particle effects in Blender. The author considers the topic of the tutorial quite advanced so most of the technical aspects are skipped, as it is implied that one should already know them well.

Iago explains how to attach 3D texture coordinates to moving particles, emit particles from other particles, and turn particles into force fields. The project files that can be used by anyone are available on Iago's Patreon page, however, they currently work with versions close to Blender 2.92. Big future updates, or older past versions, such as 2.79, will likely not work properly.

We highly encourage you to visit Iago's YouTube page to learn more about Blender. Also, don't forget to join our new Telegram channel, our Discord, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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