Set up a percentile-based vertex painting system that will give you maximum control over painting liquid puddles.
Aaron Kaminer has a brilliant video guide on creating water puddles in Unreal Engine 4. You will learn how to set up a percentile-based vertex painting system that will give you maximum control over painting liquid puddles.
The pack features all the meshes you need for baking new maps (low poly, high poly .obj, and the original Maya scene) and 6 maps used in the creation of master material.
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Here are the topics covered in this 2-hour-long video guide:
- Basic Lighting Environment setup
- Importing textures
- Importing meshes
- Material creation
- Material instances
- Basic albedo, normal, and roughness lerp using vert painting for alpha
- Understanding vertex color node
- Explanation of lerps and how to use them
- Liquid opacity setup
- Understanding Fresnel ops
- Elaborating on vertex paint setup
- Introduction to wet-map function
- Normal map intensity
- Texture Panning
- Waves