Venturbeat published a very interesting bit of information, they’ve found in the most recent Steam report. It seems like the VR adoption is dropping. There’s no growth in this segment. Few people actually connect their devices and play game (both Oculus VR and HTC Vive).
Image: Wired
‘The number of new HTC Vive owners on Steam grew only 0.3 percent in July and was flat in August, according to a survey (via Reddit) of customers that use Valve’s distribution network. The Oculus Rift headset from the Facebook subsidiary saw similar stagnation of 0.3 percent in July and 0.1 percent in August. At this point, only 0.18 percent of Steam users own the Vive and only 0.10 percent own the Rift. And with lethargic sales, both of these high-end head-mounted displays are going to need a lot of help to catch on with audiences.’ (via Venturebeat)
There were no supply constrains, yet people just stopped buying them. Venturbeat believes that the most hardcore fans have already purchased the devices and there’s not too many people left, who actually want to invest about $1000 in their VR-future. There’s also the problem of content. Not so many games out there, which can actually inspire you to make such a big investment. We’re still waiting for that killer app. Robinson The Journey may actually change this a bit – this game is absolutely amazing.
What do you think is happening?