The animation was set up by Bartosz Jerczynski using Truong CG Artist's rigs and Maya.
Bartosz Jerczynski, a talented 3D Animator specializing primarily in character animation, has recently showcased a stunning sequence depicting two massive dinosaurs sorting it out by battling one another using the weight of their bodies and teeth as weapons.
Created in collaboration with Tomasz Tomczyk, who helped Bartosz with additional rigging, the animation was set up using Maya and detailed dino rigs from the renowned Châu Võ Bá Trường, a.k.a. Truong CG Artist. According to the artist, it took two months of working in his spare time to create the sequence from start to finish. "It was a little bit of freestyle with constantly changing layout and idea for that shot," noted Bartosz.
And here are some of the artist's earlier works, you can check out more by visiting Barosz's LinkedIn page:
If you are a fan of dinosaur animations, here are some of the other artists' projects that you might also enjoy:
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