
A Free Liquid Shader Plug-In for Unreal Engine 5.2

The shader was created by Corentin Demougeot using the engine's new Substrate feature.

Corentin Demougeot, a Tech Artist and the creator of the renowned UTC Shader Library for Unreal Engine, has released Substrate Liquid Shader – a brand-new downloadable shader that will enable you to set up realistic-looking water-in-a-bottle effect using Epic's recently-released Unreal Engine 5.2.

Having been in development for the past few months, the shader was created using UE5.2's new Substrate tool for authoring materials, which replaces the fixed suite of shading models with a more expressive and modular multi-lobe framework, providing a greater range of surface appearances and a wider parameter space from which to work. Alongside the shader itself, the author has also published a comprehensive technical breakdown, detailing the entire working process behind the project.

You can download the shader for free by clicking this link. Also, don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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Comments 1

  • Anonymous user

    Really great work. I have a similar project , but I was just approximating the volume preservation with hand tuned parameters (offsets for sideways and upside down), and generating the free surface with a ray intersection against analytical shapes (usually just a cylinder as this is adequate for 90% of bottles, but anything that could be represented with an SDF would work). I really like the automatic adaptability.

    I like that with mine, it's all in the shader, but it can't handle any arbitrary shape like this does. It does primitive shapes well, and it's trivial to extrude or revolve SDFs to make many common bottle shapes, but it takes manual effort to configure the offsets and such.

    I started it before Substrate was launched, so I was using the clear-coat shading model to give it two layers. Substrate is definitely better suited for the task.

    Thanks for sharing!


    Anonymous user

    ·a year ago·

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