
Burning Down a House With Blender's Simulation Nodes

Sergey Metelskiy showcased an impressive fire simulation achieved with Blender 3.6's new toolset.

CG Generalist Sergey Metelskiy has recently shared an impressive demo showcasing a realistic-looking fire simulation created with Blender's Simulation Nodes, a recently-added toolset that enables one to create custom physic simulations through nodes.
For those unaware, Simulation Nodes were officially introduced with Blender 3.6 LTS back in June. The nodes allow the result of one frame to influence the next one, resulting in even a set of simple rules being able to lead to complex results over time. Controlled via a new Simulation Nodes panel, the simulation results can be cached or baked to storage, visualized in the Timeline editor, and even interacted with in real-time.

Using the toolset alongside Helindu's Wooden House model, the artist has set up a physically accurate burning house simulation, which, according to Sergey, takes into consideration the "physics of temperature, density, heat dissipation, fuel, and cooling down". Additionally, the creator has shared the node graph behind the project, allowing one to get a similar result by following the original setup:

If you would like to get started with Simulation Nodes, here are some great tutorials that might help you out:

Check out more of Sergey's projects here and don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on ThreadsInstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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