
Check Out This Awesome Character Animation With a Flickering Effect

PojoQuiet has revisited one of his previous Blender-made masterpieces.

Multimedia Artist and 3D Generalist PojoQuiet has recently revisited one of his previous projects, showcasing a great animated character model featuring a mesmerizing flickering effect making the sequence somewhat resemble a real-life flipbook.

Made using Kirill Shornikov's character model, this NPR animation was set up using Blender as a quick lookdev experiment to test out the rendering style. According to the author, the flickering effect was achieved using compositing and math, with the secret sauce being Blender's Displace Node, a node that displaces the pixel position based on an input vector and can be used to model things such as hot air distortion, refractions of uneven glass, and surreal video effects.

And here are some more of Pojo's incredible works, you can check out more by visiting the artist's Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube pages:

And if you're into procedural stuff, you can also visit Pojo's Gumroad page, filled with awesome shaders, effects, and setups.

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