The shader supports hatching, crosshatching, scribbles, and stippled effects.
Have a look at Niall Stenson's awesome Sketch Shader for Blender. It uses 4 different textures at different levels of brightness and blends between them.
The shader provides hatching, crosshatching, scribbles, and stippled effects.
It uses the Shader to RGB node, so the shader doesn't work in Cycles. Where it does work is in animation: according to the artist, you can change the Vector to give different effects and use the UVs, or Object Space coordinates, or have it locked to the camera.
Stenson's also added controls to "allow for colored sketches as well as finer control of the shadows."
The author is also working on other projects for Blender. One of them is Adjustable Mannequin – a plug-in that allows you to create characters and control its parts by changing the rig sliders.
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