
DESORDRE: An Upcoming Puzzle Game Inspired by Portal

The game is being created by Solo Developer Dylan Ditko using Unreal Engine 5.

Solo Game Developer and Founder of SHK Interactive Dylan Ditko has announced DESORDRE, an upcoming first-person puzzle game inspired by Valve's Portal series. Similar to one of Portal's most renowned mods Portal Reloaded, DESORDRE will task you to solve a series of puzzles in two separated timelines, encouraging you to think in four dimensions.

To solve the game's rooms, players will have a trusty portal gun, which will allow them to travel through time, and the ability to slow down the flow of time. The developer commented that the ability to slow time affects both the player and the environment itself, allowing for countless gameplay possibilities.

"The timeline of the world is fractured. You appear to be the last person capable to repair the flow of time. Each puzzle solved improves the temporal stability of the world," comments the developer on the upcoming game's story. "Each puzzle needs to be thought of in 4 dimensions to be solved, every environment is a new challenge!"

What's more, the developer stated that the game is being developed using Unreal Engine 5. Dylan plans to utilize the engine's next-gen tech, including Nanite, Lumen, Chaos Physics, Temporal Super Resolution, etc., to its fullest potential to create DESORDRE.

You can learn more about the upcoming game by visiting its Steam page or SHK Interactive's official website. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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