
Fantastic Santa World Animation Created with Blender's Grease Pencil 3.0

Meet Merlin Perry and Deepesh Patel's Santa dreamscape.

Let's say goodbye to holidays with White Christmas Dreamscape, a charming animation by two motion designers – Merlin Perry and Deepesh Patel. 

The short movie mixes 2D and 3D to set up a festive atmosphere, complete with a singing Santa head, floating ornaments, and a long train.

"The concept centres around a dreamscape – we're in [Santa's] mind as he's reminded of White Christmases from before."

This is an experiment in exploring Blender stylization features, animation capabilities, and Grease Pencil 3.0, the latest version of the tool that managed to make 3D objects look like a 2D cartoon.

According to the creators, the Santa sculpt is "acting as a mask to hide the Grease Pencil lines on the reverse side. All the animation is happening in the Grease Pencil object either drawing new frames or deforming with soft selection."

If you want to see the hard work Perry and Patel put into the project, check out this breakdown:

You can visit Perry's and Patel's Instagram account to see more:

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