
Fashion Police Squad: Dress Well or Suffer the Consequences

The retro shooter's demo is available on Steam.

Do you wear baggy pants or socks with sandals? Then the Fashion Police Squad is coming for you! The humorous retro first-person shooter is still in development by Mopeful Games but is already looking for fashion crimes.

Playing as a police officer, grab your Belt of Justice and the Tailormade Sewing Machine and rid the fabulous city of Trendopolis of dull suits and neon brights. Choose your weapon carefully as a dye carbine won't help you fix atrocious oversized outfits and baggy pants.

The developer promises the single-player story to be full of fabulous characters, dazzling encounters, and fierce runway shows. The various unusual weapons, including Sock Gnomes and W.A.R.drobe Launcher, are also something to look forward to. Fight the fashion industry bosses, see fashion criminals walk the runway by attending the Parole Ball, and solve the mystery of the resurgence of Fashion Crime.

Fashion Police Squad is set to be released this year. Play the demo on Steam and join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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