Free Lightning Stock Footage Available
Check out the collection from ActionVFX for realistic lightning effects!
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A Week After "Basically Announcing" Minecraft 2, Notch Basically Cancels It
Instead, he and his team will focus on the previously-announced retro-style roguelike.
Ornament Brushes/Alphas - Vol.1 by Jonas RonnegardAn Ornament alpha/brush set for ZBrush, Substance Painter, Quixel DDO and NDO, etc. 55 brushes and height/alpha maps, all 2048x2048 16bit in Tiff, Jpeg, PSD, Photoshop ABR brushes, as well as ZBrush Brushes.
Landscape Auto Material for UE4 by VEA GamesLandscape Auto Material is a flexible autopainting material for Unreal Engine 4 Landscape component. When you are drawing the topology of your landscape, proper material layers are drawn automatically!