
Free VR Delelopment Course Released

Oculus and Unity released a free VR development course that covers basic topics of the VR game production. Take a look!

Although, it's worth mentioning that the course requires some knowledge of the game development and experience in it. The "Design, develop and deploy for VR" course is divided into 11 blocks that take more than 20 hours to complete. The course is taught by Oculus and Unity experts, so there are no questions about the content quality, right?

Here are the topics:

  • Unit 1: Introduction by Chris Pruett from Oculus -an overview of the VR industry, best practices, and an overview of the course;
  • Unit 2: VR game development and prototyping by Ruth Bram and Mari Kyle from Oculus - creating a game design document, a player profile report and a press kit;
  • Unit 3: Using Unity to develop VR experiences by Joy Horvath from Unity -  learn how to work in the Oculus and Virtual Reality Toolkit;
  • Unit 4: Locomotion and ergonomics by Eric Cosky from Oculus - find out how to make your VR experience comfortable and how to work with the teleportation system;
  • Unit 5: Hand presence and interaction by Matt Franklin from Oculus - designing interactions to manipulate objects and how to place the item correctly;
  • Unit 6: Best UI practices for VR by Gabor Szauer from Oculus -  find out how to transit from 2D to VR,  how to design a user-friendly interface for VR;
  • Unit 7: Sound in VR by Robert Heitkamp of Oculus -  learn how to implement spatial audio in VR with the Oculus Spatializer Plugin;
  • Unit 8: Performance requirements by Matt Conte from Oculus - working with assets, lighting, and adjusting settings in general;
  • Unit 9: Optimization by Cristiano Ferreira from Oculus -  find out how to work with Unity Profiler, Frame Debugger, and Unity Profile Analyzer;
  • Unit 10: Testing by  Lisa Brewster and Bruce Wooden from Oculus - learn how to run the test successfully;
  • Unit 11: Submission and go-to-market strategy by Mari Kyle from Oculus - a final course that covers marketing and pricing strategy;


Check the website to find out more about the course!

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