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Learn How to Enhance Your Unity App's Performance With Memory Profiler

The Unity team has shared a comprehensive presentation explaining how to improve an application's performance.

Image Credit: Unity

Without a doubt, one of the most crucial tasks any Game Developer must face in order for their project to become a success is optimization. Ensuring that the game runs smoothly across different devices is often one of the less talked about aspects of game development, yet it remains one of the most critical ones. The well-optimized multi-platform accessibility of an application helps to expand its player base, thus enhancing its profitability and overall success.

If you are a Unity developer, a great way to increase your app's performance is through the use of Memory Profiler, a powerful tool that allows you to analyze the memory usage of both your Unity application and the Unity Editor. Upon installation, it adds a Memory Profiler window to the Unity Editor interface, enabling you to capture, inspect, and compare memory snapshots. These snapshots provide a detailed record of how your application's memory was organized at the time of capture.

Additionally, the Memory Profiler window offers an overview of both native and managed memory allocations, helping you assess your application's memory usage and identify potential issues such as memory leaks. This package complements Unity's built-in Memory Profiler module, providing more detailed information about your application's memory allocations at specific points in time.

To help beginning developers learn more about the topic at hand, the Unity team released an insightful presentation earlier this month, offering a deep dive into Memory Profiler and how it can be leveraged for optimization.

Held by Unity Technologies' Senior Software Engineer Anton Kruglyakov during last year's Unite 2023 event, the presentation discusses the features and improvements of Memory Profiler 1.1, which provides much more comprehensive information about your application's memory state compared to its predecessor. Furthermore, the session thoroughly explains some of the lesser-known aspects of memory footprint, their potential impact on your application's performance, and resolution methods. You can watch the full presentation attached above or by visiting Unity's official YouTube channel.

Image Credit: Unity

And here are some of the team's previous tutorials and presentations on using Memory Profiler:

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