
NVIDIA GTX 1060: It’s Out & You Should Get it

Game artists everywhere should definitely consider upgrading to NVIDIA GTX 1060 (and get some RAM, cause it never hurts).

Game artists everywhere should definitely consider upgrading to NVIDIA GTX 1060 (and get some RAM, cause it never hurts).


NVIDIA officially announced the release of the much anticipated GTX 1060. Unlike GTX 1080, this version is priced at $250-300. There’s a special ‘Founders Edition’ of the card, which is a bit more expensive – $299. The biggest problem with this card is that it’s difficult to buy it at a recommended price.

According to the most recent reviews, the card overclocks very well, gives you great VR experience out of the box, uses less power and shows incredible performance. The only downside for professional use is probably the lack of SLI-support, which might become a problem for big ‘power users’.

GTX 1080 is better and faster and so on, but it’s almost two times more expensive. So for a developer on a budget, who wants to start playing around with UE4 – the new GTX 1060 is a great option.

Source: cgpress.org

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