What's more, everyone can participate in the development of Plasticity. As Nick puts it, the tool is still in its early stages and lacks many features. Therefore, the developer needs beta-testers to find bugs and provide important feedback on the needed features.
"Currently, Plasticity is still buggy and missing key features," comments Nick. "I am happy to accept new beta testers who will spend time to help me find bugs and offer feedback. If you're just curious to try Plasticity, it's best to wait a few months for it to mature. Otherwise, if you want to help with the development of Plasticity, please email me and I'll add you to the beta."
You can learn more about the tool here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit page, our new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.
In this tutorial, you will be going over on how to create 4 very different materials from scratch in SD. The goal of these courses is to teach you a solid workflow that we also use in the AAA game industry.