
Riley Neville's UE-Powered Procedurally Animated Isopod Updated

The developer added fire ants and a small environment for the isopod to explore.

Back in late April 2022, Game Developer Riley Neville, known primarily for developing Webbed, demonstrated a cute procedurally-animated isopod that could run and roll around, made using Unreal Engine. What started as a simple project has since grown to become an upcoming game, with the developer confirming that the adventures of this adorable bug will be available via Steam once everything is complete.

Since the release of the first demo, Riley added several new features that greatly diversify the life of the isopod. Firstly, the developer has created a small environment filled with moss, grass, various types of terrain, and even a small pond for the creature to run around and explore.

Secondly, Riley added fire ants that presumably act as the main hero's enemies and attack the isopod in hordes. You can check out the new demos released by the developer attached above and below.

And here's the first demo, released by Riley back in April:

You can follow the development process by visiting the developer's Twitter page.

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