Effective TDs has presented Storm, a standalone granular simulation tool by Sebastian Schäfer.
Effective TDs has presented Storm, a standalone granular simulation tool by Sebastian Schäfer that features the ability to import and export to all major DCC tools. The new system can import geometry in .obj, .SD, or .abc formats for deforming emitters and defectors. What is more, you can export simulations to .prt, .bin. or .abc formats, so the thing is compatible with a wide range of tools.
The app brings a fully multithreaded architecture and an accelerated viewport display to preview millions of particles in real-time.
Controls give users the ability to manage stiffness, constraint forces and more to generate materials. Effective TDs plans to turn Storm into a full multisolver system.
- Multithread. Modern architecture means Storm scales very well with multiple threads.
- Fast viewport. Accelerated viewport display. Millions of particles in real time.
- Geometry import. Import geometry with Obj or SD (alembic coming soon).
- Output Data. Storm supports PRT / BIN files export, compatible with most major 3D apps. Alembic import/export is coming soon.
- Control. Stiffness controls, constraint forces. Simulate from Sand to jelly with ease.
A node-locked license would cost you $279. You can learn more about the tool and get it here.