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True Detective's Rust Cohle Recreated in 3D

Character Artist BLU1304 has demonstrated a realistic 3D portrait of True Detective's Season 1 protagonist Rust Cohle.

3D Character Artist BLU1304, known for recreating famous actors and characters in 3D, has unveiled yet another realistic 3D portrait. This time, the artist has managed to recreate Rust Cohle, the protagonist of True Detective's first season.

According to the artist, the character's skin was made by hand without scans, ZBrush was used for sculpting, and Substance 3D Painter for texturing. Grooming was done with XGen Core. Additionally, the artist used TexturingXYZ's Micro Fabrics for clothes detailing.

You can check out more characters and character breakdowns by visiting the artist's Instagram and ArtStation pages. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more. 

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