
Unity Joined Blender Development Foundation

Unity Technologies became a Patron Member of the Blender Development Fund.

 Unity has joined the foundation as a Patron Member, joining AMD, NVIDIA, and Epic Games.

“At Unity, we believe the world is a better place with more creators in it. This has always been at the core of our business. As such, our values align with those of the Blender Foundation and it seems a natural fit to continue our support of an open ecosystem that enables millions of users to create 3D content with a free tool,”

Dave Rhodes, Senior Vice President & General Manager at Unity Technologies via press release 

 With the latest memberships that brought 100K euro, 20 people will work on Blender development full-time.

The Blender Foundation was founded in 2002 to support the free open-source 3D creation pipeline by Blender projects.

Read the full announcement on the Blender website.

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