
You Should Try This Useful 2D Game Engine

Shape Engine is simple but has everything you need to make a game.

Unreal Engine and Unity are great, but what if you want to make a 2D game and not worry about complicated structures and workflows? Meet Shape Engine, a 2D engine that focuses on "drawing elements on the fly rather than sprites."

As the creator Dave Green explains, "Instead of drawing sprites and animations in a separate program and then drawing those sprites to the screen, Shape Engine uses draw functions. So I would write DrawCircle (position, radius, color) and the engine draws a circle at the specified position. This works for lines, circles, triangles, rectangles, and polygons both filled and outlined."

Shape Engine, based on the Raylib framework, has just seen its full release, which started as an overhaul of the input and audio system but transformed into a year-long complete rework. Green was inspired by the MonoGame framework as well as Godot. He changed the engine's UI system and added many new features, so now the software boasts collision, poly fracturing, pathfinding, the ability to break triangles down into smaller pieces, and more.

"Over the years I used a lot of game engines and frameworks and there was always something missing, annoying, or overcomplicated. With Shape Engine I tried to keep it simple but still have all the things that a game dev needs to make a game."

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100% procedural material made in Substance Designer.


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