
A Free Stylized Base Mesh and a Guide to Creating Busts

Tons of free goodies from Leslie Van den Broeck for you to dive into stylized character art.

Senior 3D Character Artist Leslie Van den Broeck shared a free stylized base mesh you can use as a starting point. The artist is known for marvelous stylized models, so this is a really great way to dive into character art. 

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After getting a lot of questions about the availability of my stylized female basemesh I decided to refine it a little bit and make it available.

Disclaimer, this is a base to start with. do not take it as reference for anatomy, proportions or anything else. its purely a startingpoint. 

Leslie Van den Broeck

By downloading a pack you get a ztl. that has the meshes combined and polygroups assigned to them and a obj. file.

Make sure to check out an awesome 8-hour video by Leslie on using a mesh below:

Want more? Here is a guide on how to make a base mesh for creating stylized busts inside of ZBrush by the artist. The guide folder includes a custom ZBrush UI setup and the actual base mesh itself.

Get the guide

And don’t forget to check out the artist’s artworks here

This pack includes tools for clay modeling in ZBrush 4R8: 7 brushes, 10 alphas, Fingerprint texture.

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Comments 3

  • Anonymous user

    alas! links to free mesh download are none!


    Anonymous user

    ·3 years ago·
  • Crs

    Hi, I know this is a old post, but someone could get this mesh/guide? Thanks!



    ·5 years ago·
  • Koukisan

    Sadly that awesome base mesh is no longer available for sale in the gumroad store. Any way or other links that we can get a copy of it?



    ·6 years ago·

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