100% procedural material made in SD. The pack contains Strangler Fig Graph (sbs and sbsar), texture maps (Albedo, Normal, Roughness, AO, Height, Metal).
A Pratical Application for the Stable Diffusion AI
Russ Maschmeyer showed a cool prototype that demonstrates how Stable Diffusion and AR can be used for commerce.
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A Week After "Basically Announcing" Minecraft 2, Notch Basically Cancels It
Instead, he and his team will focus on the previously-announced retro-style roguelike.
Valve, Steam & the Entire PC Gaming Industry Were Saved by a Single Intern
Steam, Portal, Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress 2 – all of those wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for a pure stroke of luck.
Chain Brushes by Nicolas Swijngedau20 Chains Curve Brushes all contained within one Multi-mesh brush and Low poly meshes.
Camping and Outdoor Props by DekogonThis project includes assets, maps, materials, Blueprints, and effects created in the Unreal Engine. Each asset was created for realistic AAA quality visuals, style, and budget.