
Adam shows the true power of Unity

How powerful is Unity? Adam might answer that question. It is a short film created with the Unity game engine and rendered in

How powerful is Unity? Adam might answer that question. It is a short film created with the Unity game engine and rendered in real time. It’s built to showcase and test out the graphical quality achievable with the engine right now.

The Unity Demo Team built Adam with beta versions of Unity 5.4 and the upcoming cinematic sequencer tool.

iWBpHmd - Imgur

This short film also uses an experimental implementation of real-time area lights and a tool called CaronteFX, which you can get from the Unity Asset Store.

hiIkjDt - Imgur

To achieve these visuals the team had to use custom tools and features including volumetric fog, a transparency shader and motion blur. These tools are stated to become available soon.

E9wH93t - Imgur

Adam runs at 1440p on a GeForce GTX980.

Source: Unity Technologies

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