
Check Out a New Version of This Procedural Building Generator for Blender

Julien Gauthier's Auto-Building 1.2 comes with Blender 4.0 compatibility and a slew of new features.

In case you missed the news, Senior Concept Artist and Art Director Julien Gauthier has recently launched Auto-Building 1.2, a new and improved version of his procedural building generator for Blender powered by Geometry Nodes.

Initially launched back in June 2022, Auto-Building allows its users to quickly and easily generate a variety of structures in 3D, ranging from medieval huts and huts to modern-day skyscrapers. Moreover, the add-on enables you to input various building elements, such as doors, windows, panels, and more, which will be procedurally distributed across a simple mesh, resulting in a complex and detailed building.

The new version of the generator introduces compatibility with Blender 4.0 a new preset for creating Tibetan monasteries, and tons of new features and improvements, including Auto-UV unwrapping and scale, a reworked Roof system, more Deform options, a brand-new interior system, and more.

Here's a full list of what Auto-Building 1.2 brings to the table:

  • Blender 4.0 support
  • Clean up duplicated materials and Update tool new button
  • Auto-UV unwrapping and scale for walls, crease and roof
  • New Wall slot H
  • More Deform options, smooth and relative/absolute mode
  • Objects on wall positions local X and Y, Random, and Edge snapping
  • Extra Crease options (2 kinds for horizontals and 2 kinds for verticals now, previously it was only one, you will need to adapt your building's crease value unfortunately)
  • Booleans can now affect Creases
  • Reworked Roof system
  • Roof smoothness to allow curvy roof (Asian roof)
  • Roof Crease
  • Foundation thickness and offset
  • Secondary facade scattering option with boolean option.
  • Very basic interior wall and object scattering
  • Improved Auto-Base. Now based on the floor plan shape, so now usable with OSM-imported meshes
  • Output vertex group of top and bottom for material masking
  • New Tibet Preset

You can learn more and purchase the new version of the generator here. Also, don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.


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