
Chloë Grace Moretz Recreated in 3D

The portrait was made in Maya, ZBrush, and Substance 3D.

3D Character Artist 李奥博 AoBo has shared a beautiful new 3D portrait of a renowned celebrity. This time, the artist has recreated Chloë Grace Moretz, an American actress known for playing multiple roles since she was 8 years old. According to the project's description, this portrait involves VFace and ACES workflows, and was made using Maya, ZBrush, and Substance 3D Painter. The author also commented that the main challenge was to convert the color to JPG in the later stages.

Click here to check out the artist's other portraits. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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Comments 3

  • Anonymous user

    Now hit print and put her on a real doll. Can I get Hayden Panettiere as well.


    Anonymous user

    ·2 years ago·
  • Nikonov Oleksandr

    Not bad. But why her hair does not gravitate?


    Nikonov Oleksandr

    ·2 years ago·
  • Anonymous user

    Lol I knew there would be a sexual based comment on this as soon as I saur this post, my brain went "Oh no" and sure enough "anonymous user" didn't let me down.


    Anonymous user

    ·2 years ago·

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