
Creating Indie Game Worlds with Houdini

The Go Procedural channel on Vimeo shared a video that shows ways five different independent studios use Houdini to save time on producing vast game environments.

The Go Procedural channel on Vimeo shared a video that shows ways five different independent studios (Flashbulb GamesTriHelixTriseum / Texas A&M LIVEFeline Arts, and House of Secrets) use Houdini to save time on producing vast game environments. Check out the 5-minute video and tell us about your experience using the procedural tool. 

More and more indie game developers are using Houdini to build big game worlds as quickly and efficiently as possible. Learn how five different indie studios from all over the world are using the power of procedural workflows to build their imaginative and vast game environments.

Go Procedural

For more info about these studios and their games, follow the links below:

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