The team behind Goo Engine has released this platforms under the MIT license. It means that you can use the source
The team behind Goo Engine has released this platforms under the MIT license. It means that you can use the source code of this engine for any purpose. You can build games with it, add new features and do so much more. The source for the Goo Engine could be downloaded at Github! There’s also API documentation provided for developers.
Goo Engine Introduction
The Goo Engine is the core of Goo Create. Our editor Goo Create would not work without it, but the engine can function on its own if you’re ready to do a little coding. When scripting inside of Goo Create you are also using the Goo Engine. Check out this scene to see what this engine can do.
Goo Engine has gone open source!
• Beautiful Graphics: blazing fast rendering pipeline, built on top of open web standards.
• Animation: support for animations and geometry from major 3D graphics tools (e.g. FBX, .OBJ, etc) via our own file format converter.
• Audio: 2D and 3D sound system.
• Physics: High performance physics in every browser.
• Entity-Component system: A simple, composable and extensible pattern, often used for game engines.
• State Machine: Create interactivity in a really simple way.
• Advanced Timeline System: Animate entity properties over time.
Have you ever tried Goo Create? Do you want to give Goo Engine a chance?