
GYBOW: A Cool Device For Painting Natural Lighting onto Objects

This amazing invention can put objects into any environment and light them accordingly.

Developers Arne Weiss and Hans-Peter Schroeder have unveiled GYBOW, a lightweight LED rig system that is able to paint natural lighting and reflections from 360° HDRI environments onto objects and people. In other words, with this amazing device, one can put any real-life object and/or person into any digitally made environment and they will be lit accordingly. 

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According to the team, GYBOW is very budget-friendly, costing much less than a full-fledged LED stage. What's more, it is very light and mobile and can be set up in just a few hours. It is also environmentally friendly and has very efficient energy consumption compared to LED stages.

And here are GYBOW's studio requirements listed by the team:

  • GYBOW works with any camera/software capable of exposure times of 30 seconds.
  • GYBOW loves the dark! Studio space needs full blackout.
  • Rotating rig diameter 33 ft/10 m
  • Minimal studio width 40 ft/12 m
  • Minimal studio height 9 ft/5.8 m

3D Artist and Unreal Engine enthusiast Sebastian Wessel has also demonstrated how GYBOW can be used to illuminate non-reflective surfaces. "These shoes are real in the scene and are illuminated by an HDR image," commented the artist.

You can learn more about GYBOW here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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