
Marc Brunet: 3 Years of Cubebrush

Marc Brunet has recently celebrated a big day for him and for his Cubebrush platform.

Marc Brunet has recently celebrated a big day for him and for his Cubebrush platform. 3 years ago he left Blizzard to take the biggest leap of faith of my life. Brunet was leaving a stable, well-paying career for the world of business.

3 years later now – I can still feed my family, I work on my own terms and I get to do what I enjoy every single day (well ok, most of the time!). Faith wasn’t enough and I wish I knew that going in, but with a lot of hard work added to the mix and some hair loss, things kinda worked out. Of course, I owe most of it to my team who’s been crushing it since day 1. I’m just an artist man, couldn’t possibly do it on my own,” said the Cubebrush founder.

Would I recommend it, all that business stuff? Yes! It’s not for everyone for sure, but if you’ve been thinking about it, if that flame is there – go for it. You’ll likely fail the first time, most do, but it’ll lead you to something else that might work out if you keep adjusting and persevering. It’s scary, but everyone’s got that survival instinct and when you’re left to fly on your own, you always find a way yo!”

Here’s a video where Brunet explains the whole thing:

You can find his full message here.

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