Mtree is a powerful vegetation solution for vegetation in Unity.
Mtree is a powerful vegetation solution for vegetation in Unity. This tree editor lets users create AAA-quality vegetation, streamline the workflow and lessen the iteration time. You don’t need to worry anymore about modeling, unwrapping, importing meshes from a different software solution, shaders, vertex data and more.
With the tool you can:
- Create a trunk of any shape.
- Add branches, grow them, split stem, add more branches.
- Add leaves of any shape.
- Bake the ambient occlusion in the vertex data.
- Control the polygon count, get the most out of the fewest triangles.
- Create Branches textures from a single leaf texture with the Branch Editor.
- Save your finished tree as a prefab that is convenient to use.
The tool will:
- Automatically create LOD levels
- Create and assign materials to the bark and leaves of your trees
- Make branches react to the colliders of your scene
- Bake the ambient occlusion when you save the tree as prefab
- Create vertex color data that will be used to drive the wind simulation and random color variation
You can learn more here.