Take a look at a pack by NatureManufacture for Unreal Engine developers looking for a nice and quick way to create nature environments. The projects features environment models, materials and texture sets. Trees, rocks, stones, grass, landscape materials and textures – all you need to create beautiful scenes.
Nature Set is group of environment assets with carefully prepared LODs and optimization aspect. Each asset have reasonable number LOD triangles and LODs. Landscape and grass textures are 2048×2048, model textures are up to 4096×4096. Rocks were carefully sculpted and optimized on LODs. Trees were sculpted and photoscanned, last tree LODs are billboard/cross. In this asset you will also find landscape ground materials such rock, mud, stone, asphalt, grass, sand, litter, leaves. All models and textures were made from 10x10k photo material.
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Technical Details
- 6 tree models: (26 models with LODs), 34 textures, 13 materials, LODs 50-20k tri // 20-5k // 4-2k // 2k-8 //8 [triangles]
- 5 big rocks: (20 models with LODs), 15 textures, 4 materials, LODs 1,1-0,6k // 0.8-0,4k //, 0,6-0,3k // 0,4-0,2k [triangles]
- 5 small stones: (15 models with LODs), 15 textures, 4 materials (shared with big rocks), LODs 0,3-0,2k // 0,2-0,1k // 0,1 and less [triangles];
- 1 stone wall, (5 models with LODs), 1 texture, 1 material, LODs 1,5k // 1,0 k // 0,7k // 0,5k // 0,2k [triangles];
- 7 grass models, 17-19 triangles, 3 materials 2 textures. (grass atlas and herb atlas);
- 84 texture for landscape (28 sets): albedo with heightmap (BC_H), metalic roughness ambient occlusion (MT_R_AO), normalmap (N), this give 168 maps;
- landscape material (tesselation, uv mix, LODs);
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