
Stunning Female Van Helsing Version Created in ZBrush & Substance 3D

3D Character Artist Sahi paid homage to the renowned movie with this amazing artwork.

Take a look at this incredible 3D model of a female version of Van Helsing created by 3D Character Artist Sahi.

The character's look, including the long cape, equipment, and overall vibe, was inspired by the 2004 eponymous movie about the famous monster hunter. The artist took the recognizable image and created a new character, paying homage to the film. 

The work was crafted using 3ds Max, ZBrush, Substance 3D Painter, Marvelous Designer, Marmoset Toolbag, and RizomUV. As the creator shared, the design of the robotic arm was inspired by the artwork of Character Concept Artist Gu Junyi.

Check out another high-quality work showcased by Sahi:

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