
The Next Chapter of ADAM Revealed

Oats Studios has finally released the next chapter in the Adam story, made in real-time using Unity.

Adam showed us that Unity is capable of great things. The demo proved that the engine can be all about beauty and high-quality shots. Oats Studios has finally released the next chapter in the Adam story, made in real-time using the popular engine. The amnesiac hero continues to discover a clue about what and who he is.

To produce the next two Adam installments, which are around six minutes each, Oats knew they had considerable technical challenges ahead of them. To realize their first-ever CG film “in engine,” they onboarded real-time rendering and artist-focused sequencing tools from Unity 2017.1

In just five months, the Oats team produced in real-time what would normally take close to a year using traditional rendering. “This is the future of animated content,” declares CG supervisor Abhishek Joshi, who was CG lead on Divergent and Game of Thrones. “Coming from offline, ray-traced renders, the speed and interactivity has allowed us complete creative freedom and iteration speed unheard of with a non-RT workflow.” 

The Oats Team 

The next chapter arrives soon, so stay tuned. Don’t forget to read the article about the production here

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  • johnn

    absolutely fantastic. this is the stuff that deserves attention, this is the bright side of the future.



    ·7 years ago·

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