
UE5's New Custom Gravity Feature Demonstrated in Action

Stéphane Biava showcased a cool Toy Story animation and explained how it was made.

A couple of weeks ago, Epic Games officially launched Unreal Engine 5.4, introducing, among myriads of other things, a cool new feature that has instantly won the hearts of many developers worldwide: Custom Gravity. Implemented within the CharacterMovementController, Custom Gravity provides the ability to manipulate gravity within your projects, allowing users to traverse miniature planets Outer Wilds style and easily set up gravity-based puzzle games.

Among the first UE5 users to try out the new feature was Stéphane Biava, an Unreal Authorized Instructor at Epic Games and Founder of Proj Production, who employed Custom Gravity to set up a small Toy Story-inspired playable experience where one can explore a small Wild West planet as Woody.

Furthermore, the artist has shared a detailed tutorial, offering an overview of Custom Gravity and demonstrating how to integrate the system into your project using C++ and Blueprints. The guide is beginner-friendly, ensuring that even those new to Unreal Engine 5 can swiftly grasp the concept and start creating their own gravity-defying adventures. You can watch the full tutorial attached below or by visiting Proj Production's official YouTube page:

Also, check out some of Stéphane's earlier tutorials:

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