
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy – Western Ghats Breakdown

Anthony Vaccaro has shared a time-lapse breakdown of the production process behind the Western Ghats HUB level.

Do you want to know how AAA game levels are created? Here is something special then. Anthony Vaccaro has shared a time-lapse breakdown of the production process behind the Western Ghats HUB level in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, from basic blockout to the final level. 

We developed the look from the ground up for the largest level ever created at Naughty Dog. I was in charge of creating a vast playspace that was not only beautiful to look at but one that was fun to drive around in while keeping the player focused on there goal and not lost amid the jungles of the Western Ghats.

Genesis and I developed the 4 distinct looks that encompass the whole HUB which serve to help the player understand where in the world they are while still being a cohesive whole. We took the whole space from blockmesh to final shipped product.

Environment Artist: Anthony Vaccaro 
Texture/Shader Artist: Genesis Prado 
Lighting Artist: Gabe Betancourt 
Design: James Cooper, Ray Almaden 
FX/Water – Elaine Kubik, Eben Cook

Anthony Vaccaro 

Here are some final shots from the artist:

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