
VFX Tutorials for 3D Artists of All Skill Levels

Check out VFX tutorials that would be spot-on for beginners, experienced artists, or those, who’re looking for ways to master the skills.

Check out a list of VFX tutorials for artists with any skill level. Here are a few of them:

Intro to UE4 Niagara by Thomas Harle (playlist) 

A whole series covering up the VFX workflow in UE4’s Niagara and Cascade systems. The playlist includes videos with the UI overview, how to work with dust particles, leaf flipbook, mesh particles, GPU particles and collision events, ribbons and lights, user-created modules.

A more wide and detailed collection of articles, discussing the CG-graphics and such topics as maths and physics for CG, foundations of 3D rendering, advanced rendering approaches.

Ray Marching for Dummies

Find out the essentials of ray-marching, a bigger technique that stands beside well-known ray-tracing. The tutorial will explain the process in detail of how to work with ray-marching and ways to apply it in your workflow.

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