
An Updated Version of Project Ferocious' Ocean Simulation

Developer OMYOG provided one more behind-the-scenes look at the upcoming Unity-powered game.

Solo Game Developer OMYOG, whose amazing behind-the-scenes demos have already been featured multiple times on 80 Level, has recently shared another look at an incredible ocean simulation made for Project Ferocious, an upcoming Jurassic Park-style survival shooter being developed in Unity.

The newly released demo showcases the new and improved version of the simulation that was achieved with shallow water fluid sim and a water rendering shader in Unity and looks more realistic than ever before. Additionally, the video demonstrates a custom tool created for the game that enables the developer to easily multiply underwater rocks, with the ocean reacting to the newly-placed props in real-time.

Previously, OMYOG had already demonstrated stunning plant physics, an incredible bullet holes mechaniccool ocean shoreline and wet sand simulations, a stunning water simulation with a creature swimming in real-time, and some fantastic water simulations made in Unity for Project Ferocious. You can learn more about the upcoming game here and follow the development process over here.

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Comments 1

  • Anonymous user

    hi buddy, I was wondering if you're using the water plugin from the unity Store? Or did you develop it yourself? Your water looks great and you've been using KWS to build offshore scenes recently, can you talk about it?


    Anonymous user

    ·a year ago·

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