Have you watched a breakdown of the Hollow Knight’s art style by The Superforge? The game is not only good gameplay-wise but also provides a unique style that adds to game and sound design, characters and other elements. What is so special about the game?
What makes Hollow Knight such a beautiful game? We take a look inside the breadth of Hallownest. Figure out Hollow Knight’s secrets hidden in its game design and why it works so well! Thanks for tuning into this week’s art examination.
The Superforge
One of the developers from the team has also commented on the game’s art to give more details on sprites and the decisions behind the game’s look:
Dev here. The sprites are animated that way because of the budget way before any of this about this contrasting frame rates stuff. Also, all the actions are almost all 1frame start-up slashes with follow through so you’re just sorta placing too much into it. The backgrounds are animated that way due to being programmatic instead of hand drawn, and there are some exceptions to what you’re describing in the game itself where the background is in fact animated on the same rate as the characters.
Color theory wise its nice that you think its this super deep idea for each blend but I can tell you most of the time its just “this looks good, and isn’t hard to distinguish” and that’s that. This was a good attempt at explaining concepts like this in games and content creators are good for explaining these types of things to the public.
You can learn more and find more comments from devs here.