
UE5-Powered Stylized Water & Pebbles

Have a look at this stylized river project made by Romain Durand.

3D Environment Artist Romain Durand has unveiled a beautiful stylized river project that consists of hand-painted pebbles and a cool water shader made by the artist. According to the author, the project was made to learn how UE5 and Nanite can influence the environment art workflow and test how Lumen can help produce more satisfying water. Besides Unreal Engine 5, the artist used ZBrush, Substance 3D Painter, Maya, Marmoset Toolbag, and 3DCoat.

"I never was a fan of flat tileables and the more recent tesselation solutions were only good in some specific cases, especially knowing that the only height offset would be on one axis," comments Romain. "After some thought, I decided to do a tileable mesh instead and I'm pretty happy with the results, it allows to have some deep cavities under the rocks and looks more faithful to how rocks would actually place themself over time."

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