
ZBrush Brushes: Premium Master Cloth

Take a look at an amazing ZBrush brush set by Michael Dunnam that contains 86 brushes & 2048px alphas.

Take a look at an amazing ZBrush brush set by Michael Dunnam that contains 86 brushes and 2048px alphas.

The set will cost you $10, but there’s also at least one more option.

Buy the brush set for $10

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You can always get Lifetime XMD Brush Membership, which will give you everything the artist makes on Gumroad. It is a one time cost of $48, and you get everything he puts on Gumroad free, for life. 
Here are some of the perks of the membership:
  • Access to private Facebook group. Here you can get involved heavily in XMD. You can request brush sets, give feedback, be a part of betas, occasionally test brushes before they are released, & hang out with other awesome artists.
  • Entry into custom brush raffles.
  • Over 950 ZBrush brushes available for immediate download.
  • Monthly brushes added.
  • Subscription only brushes. These are only available to members. They will never be released to the general public.
  • A decent amount of Substance Painter Brushes and 3D Coat Penpacks.
  • My brush creation tutorial.
  • Several PDF quickguides.
  • The XMD ToolBox Plugin for ZBrush.

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