
Unity Sale: 2D Game Assets and Engines

See 5 cool collections from the Unity Store that can help you create a 2D game. Environment packs, character controllers and 2D engines are on sale until February 16, 2020. Go grab them!

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The pack includes: 

  • 147 colored sprites
  • 68 Silhouetted sprites
  • demo scene
  • doors, elevators, lights, materials, panels, pipes, platforms, borders. 

The textures vary from 512x512 to 128x128. The pack is mobile friendly.

Kinematic 2D is a non-physics based 2D Character controller solution that allows you to set up the movement of your 2D character while handling collisions.

Some technical details of the pack: 

  • offers such functionalities as steps and slopes handling, ground alignment, ground clamping, etc
  • was designed for 2D movement 
  • The collision detection method works with 2D and 3D colliders.
  • Three motion modes to choose from: Transform, Rigidbody Non-Interpolated, and Rigidbody Interpolated.

The asset requires at least basic C# programming skills to get the best out of it.

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A high-quality tileset pack for topdown games.

The pack contains 128x128 hand-painted tiles to create your grassland level and goes with cliff walls, grass, flowers, mine entrance, water, trees, bushes and more.

The Pack features: 

  • Seasonal Color Variations
  • 245+ tiles in 128x128 resolution
  • Waterfall and water animations (optional)
  • Optional shadows
  • Comes in 3 Color versions
  • PSD with adjustment layers

The pack also includes example scenes.

TopDown Engine is a great tool to create 2D and 3D top-down games in Unity, whether you are new to Unity or already gained some experience. 

The engine includes: 

  • A tight character controller
  • with MoreMountains' Feedback system
  • Demo levels, ready-to-use, and hand-crafted assets 
  • the Inventory Engine
  • Advanced AI system: create complex enemy, boss, or friendly AIs behaviors
  • A strong camera controller
  • Multiplayer ready

The asset has 2 licenses: Unity's 2D Extras under MIT License and Unity's NavMeshComponents under MIT License.

The Corgi Engine is a not-physics-based character controller that works on desktop, mobile, and anywhere you want. The engine works best if you want to create a 2D/ 2.5D platformer or run & gun game. 

Here are some details about it: 

  • 50 demo levels, 300+ ready to use, handcrafted visual assets, 200+ optimized scripts, and tons of ready for production prefabs.
  • comes with the MMFeedbacks built-in
  • Includes the Inventory Engine
  • Advanced AI system: create complex enemy, boss, or friendly AIs behaviors
  • Camera and 2D parallax management: camera zoom, room confinement, parallax speed, direction…
  • everything for creating levels
  • Dialogue engine
  • Native integrations with Unity's best packages: Cinemachine, PostProcessing, and PixelPerfect
  • Single or multiplayer modes

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